123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258 |
- /*
- Justified Gallery
- Version: 2.1
- Author: Miro Mannino
- Author URI: http://miromannino.it
- Copyright 2012 Miro Mannino (miro.mannino@gmail.com)
- This file is part of Justified Gallery.
- This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
- To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
- or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
- */
- (function($){
- $.fn.justifiedGallery = function(options){
- //TODO fare impostazione 'rel' che sostituisce tutti i link con il rel specificato
- var settings = $.extend( {
- 'sizeRangeSuffixes' : {'lt100':'_t', 'lt240':'_m', 'lt320':'_n', 'lt500':'', 'lt640':'_z', 'lt1024':'_b'},
- 'rowHeight' : 120,
- 'margins' : 1,
- 'justifyLastRow' : true,
- 'fixedHeight' : false,
- 'captions' : true,
- 'rel' : null, //rewrite the rel of each analyzed links
- 'target' : null, //rewrite the target of all links
- 'extension' : /\.[^.]+$/,
- 'refreshTime' : 500,
- 'onComplete' : null
- }, options);
- function getErrorHtml(message, classOfError){
- return "<div class=\"jg-error " + classOfError + "\"style=\"\">" + message + "</div>";
- }
- return this.each(function(index, cont){
- $(cont).addClass("justifiedGallery");
- var loaded = 0;
- var images = new Array($(cont).find("img").length);
- if(images.length == 0) return;
- $(cont).append("<div class=\"jg-loading\"><div class=\"jg-loading-img\"></div></div>");
- $(cont).find("a").each(function(index, entry){
- var imgEntry = $(entry).find("img");
- images[index] = new Array(5);
- images[index]["src"] = (typeof $(imgEntry).data("safe-src") != 'undefined') ? $(imgEntry).data("safe-src") : $(imgEntry).attr("src");
- images[index]["alt"] = $(imgEntry).attr("alt");
- images[index]["href"] = $(entry).attr("href");
- images[index]["title"] = $(entry).attr("title");
- images[index]["rel"] = (settings.rel != null) ? settings.rel : $(entry).attr("rel");
- images[index]["target"] = (settings.target != null) ? settings.target : $(entry).attr("target");
- images[index]["extension"] = images[index]["src"].match(settings.extension)[0];
- $(entry).remove(); //remove the image, we have its data
- var img = new Image();
- $(img).load(function() {
- if(images[index]["height"] != settings.rowHeight)
- images[index]["width"] = Math.ceil(this.width / (this.height / settings.rowHeight));
- else
- images[index]["width"] = this.width;
- images[index]["height"] = settings.rowHeight;
- var usedSizeRangeRegExp = new RegExp("(" + settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt100 + "|"
- + settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt240 + "|"
- + settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt320 + "|"
- + settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt500 + "|"
- + settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt640 + "|"
- + settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt1024 + ")$");
- images[index]["src"] = images[index]["src"].replace(settings.extension, "").replace(usedSizeRangeRegExp, "");
- if(++loaded == images.length) startProcess(cont, images, settings);
- });
- $(img).error(function() {
- $(cont).prepend(getErrorHtml("The image can't be loaded: \"" + images[index]["src"] +"\"", "jg-usedPrefixImageNotFound"));
- images[index] = null;
- if(++loaded == images.length) startProcess(cont, images, settings);
- });
- $(img).attr('src', images[index]["src"]);
- });
- });
- function startProcess(cont, images, settings){
- //FadeOut the loading image and FadeIn the images after their loading
- $(cont).find(".jg-loading").fadeOut(500, function(){
- $(this).remove(); //remove the loading image
- processesImages($, cont, images, 0, settings);
- if($.isFunction(settings.onComplete)) settings.onComplete.call(this, cont);
- });
- }
- function buildImage(image, suffix, nw, nh, l, minRowHeight, settings){
- var ris;
- ris = "<div class=\"jg-image\" style=\"left:" + l + "px\">";
- ris += " <a href=\"" + image["href"] + "\" ";
- if (typeof image["rel"] != 'undefined') ris += "rel=\"" + image["rel"] + "\"";
- if (typeof image["target"] != 'undefined') ris += "target=\"" + image["target"] + "\"";
- ris += "title=\"" + image["title"] + "\">";
- ris += " <img alt=\"" + image["alt"] + "\" src=\"" + image["src"] + suffix + image.extension + "\"";
- ris += "style=\"width: " + nw + "px; height: " + nh + "px;\">";
- if(settings.captions)
- ris += " <div style=\"bottom:" + (nh - minRowHeight) + "px;\" class=\"jg-image-label\">" + image["alt"] + "</div>";
- ris += " </a></div>";
- return ris;
- }
- function buildContRow(row, images, extraW, settings){
- var j, l = 0;
- var minRowHeight;
- for(var j = 0; j < row.length; j++){
- row[j]["nh"] = Math.ceil(images[row[j]["indx"]]["height"] *
- ((images[row[j]["indx"]]["width"] + extraW) /
- images[row[j]["indx"]]["width"]));
- row[j]["nw"] = images[row[j]["indx"]]["width"] + extraW;
- row[j]["suffix"] = getSuffix(row[j]["nw"], row[j]["nh"], settings);
- row[j]["l"] = l;
- if(!settings.fixedHeight){
- if(j == 0)
- minRowHeight = row[j]["nh"];
- else
- if(minRowHeight > row[j]["nh"]) minRowHeight = row[j]["nh"];
- }
- l += row[j]["nw"] + settings.margins;
- }
- if(settings.fixedHeight) minRowHeight = settings.rowHeight;
- var rowCont = "";
- for(var j = 0; j < row.length; j++){
- rowCont += buildImage(images[row[j]["indx"]], row[j]["suffix"],
- row[j]["nw"], row[j]["nh"], row[j]["l"], minRowHeight, settings);
- }
- return "<div class=\"jg-row\" style=\"height: " + minRowHeight + "px; margin-bottom:" + settings.margins + "px;\">" + rowCont + "</div>";
- }
- function getSuffix(nw, nh, settings){
- var n;
- if(nw > nh) n = nw; else n = nh;
- if(n <= 100){
- return settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt100; //thumbnail (longest side:100)
- }else if(n <= 240){
- return settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt240; //small (longest side:240)
- }else if(n <= 320){
- return settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt320; //small (longest side:320)
- }else if(n <= 500){
- return settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt500; //small (longest side:320)
- }else if(n <= 640){
- return settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt640; //medium (longest side:640)
- }else{
- return settings.sizeRangeSuffixes.lt1024; //large (longest side:1024)
- }
- }
- function processesImages($, cont, images, lastRowWidth, settings){
- var row = new Array();
- var row_i, i;
- var partialRowWidth = 0;
- var extraW;
- var rowWidth = $(cont).width();
- for(i = 0, row_i = 0; i < images.length; i++){
- if(images[i] == null) continue;
- if(partialRowWidth + images[i]["width"] + settings.margins <= rowWidth){
- //we can add the image
- partialRowWidth += images[i]["width"] + settings.margins;
- row[row_i] = new Array(5);
- row[row_i]["indx"] = i;
- row_i++;
- }else{
- //the row is full
- extraW = Math.ceil((rowWidth - partialRowWidth + 1) / row.length);
- $(cont).append(buildContRow(row, images, extraW, settings));
- row = new Array();
- row[0] = new Array(5);
- row[0]["indx"] = i;
- row_i = 1;
- partialRowWidth = images[i]["width"] + settings.margins;
- }
- }
- //last row----------------------
- //now we have all the images index loaded in the row arra
- if(settings.justifyLastRow){
- extraW = Math.ceil((rowWidth - partialRowWidth + 1) / row.length);
- }else{
- extraW = 0;
- }
- $(cont).append(buildContRow(row, images, extraW, settings));
- //---------------------------
- //Captions---------------------
- if(settings.captions){
- $(cont).find(".jg-image").mouseenter(function(sender){
- $(sender.currentTarget).find(".jg-image-label").stop();
- $(sender.currentTarget).find(".jg-image-label").fadeTo(500, 0.7);
- });
- $(cont).find(".jg-image").mouseleave(function(sender){
- $(sender.currentTarget).find(".jg-image-label").stop();
- $(sender.currentTarget).find(".jg-image-label").fadeTo(500, 0);
- });
- }
- $(cont).find(".jg-resizedImageNotFound").remove();
- //fade in the images that we have changed and need to be reloaded
- $(cont).find(".jg-image img").load(function(){
- $(this).fadeTo(500, 1);
- }).error(function(){
- $(cont).prepend(getErrorHtml("The image can't be loaded: \"" + $(this).attr("src") +"\"", "jg-resizedImageNotFound"));
- }).each(function(){
- if(this.complete) $(this).load();
- });
- checkWidth($, cont, images, rowWidth, settings);
- }
- function checkWidth($, cont, images, lastRowWidth, settings){
- var id = setInterval(function(){
- if(lastRowWidth != $(cont).width()){
- $(cont).find(".jg-row").remove();
- clearInterval(id);
- processesImages($, cont, images, lastRowWidth, settings);
- return;
- }
- }, settings.refreshTime);
- }
- }
- })(jQuery);