/** * Dashboard Analytics */ 'use strict'; (function () { let cardColor, headingColor, labelColor, shadeColor, grayColor; if (isDarkStyle) { cardColor = config.colors_dark.cardColor; labelColor = config.colors_dark.textMuted; headingColor = config.colors_dark.headingColor; shadeColor = 'dark'; grayColor = '#5E6692'; // gray color is for stacked bar chart } else { cardColor = config.colors.cardColor; labelColor = config.colors.textMuted; headingColor = config.colors.headingColor; shadeColor = ''; grayColor = '#817D8D'; } // swiper loop and autoplay // -------------------------------------------------------------------- const swiperWithPagination = document.querySelector('#swiper-with-pagination-cards'); if (swiperWithPagination) { new Swiper(swiperWithPagination, { loop: true, autoplay: { delay: 2500, disableOnInteraction: false }, pagination: { clickable: true, el: '.swiper-pagination' } }); } // Revenue Generated Area Chart // -------------------------------------------------------------------- const revenueGeneratedEl = document.querySelector('#revenueGenerated'), revenueGeneratedConfig = { chart: { height: 130, type: 'area', parentHeightOffset: 0, toolbar: { show: false }, sparkline: { enabled: true } }, markers: { colors: 'transparent', strokeColors: 'transparent' }, grid: { show: false }, colors: [config.colors.success], fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { shade: shadeColor, shadeIntensity: 0.8, opacityFrom: 0.6, opacityTo: 0.1 } }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { width: 2, curve: 'smooth' }, series: [ { data: [300, 350, 330, 380, 340, 400, 380] } ], xaxis: { show: true, lines: { show: false }, labels: { show: false }, stroke: { width: 0 }, axisBorder: { show: false } }, yaxis: { stroke: { width: 0 }, show: false }, tooltip: { enabled: false } }; if (typeof revenueGeneratedEl !== undefined && revenueGeneratedEl !== null) { const revenueGenerated = new ApexCharts(revenueGeneratedEl, revenueGeneratedConfig); revenueGenerated.render(); } // Earning Reports Bar Chart // -------------------------------------------------------------------- const weeklyEarningReportsEl = document.querySelector('#weeklyEarningReports'), weeklyEarningReportsConfig = { chart: { height: 202, parentHeightOffset: 0, type: 'bar', toolbar: { show: false } }, plotOptions: { bar: { barHeight: '60%', columnWidth: '38%', startingShape: 'rounded', endingShape: 'rounded', borderRadius: 4, distributed: true } }, grid: { show: false, padding: { top: -30, bottom: 0, left: -10, right: -10 } }, colors: [ config.colors_label.primary, config.colors_label.primary, config.colors_label.primary, config.colors_label.primary, config.colors.primary, config.colors_label.primary, config.colors_label.primary ], dataLabels: { enabled: false }, series: [ { data: [40, 65, 50, 45, 90, 55, 70] } ], legend: { show: false }, xaxis: { categories: ['Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa', 'Su'], axisBorder: { show: false }, axisTicks: { show: false }, labels: { style: { colors: labelColor, fontSize: '13px', fontFamily: 'Public Sans' } } }, yaxis: { labels: { show: false } }, tooltip: { enabled: false }, responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1025, options: { chart: { height: 199 } } } ] }; if (typeof weeklyEarningReportsEl !== undefined && weeklyEarningReportsEl !== null) { const weeklyEarningReports = new ApexCharts(weeklyEarningReportsEl, weeklyEarningReportsConfig); weeklyEarningReports.render(); } // Support Tracker - Radial Bar Chart // -------------------------------------------------------------------- const supportTrackerEl = document.querySelector('#supportTracker'), supportTrackerOptions = { series: [85], labels: ['Completed Task'], chart: { height: 360, type: 'radialBar' }, plotOptions: { radialBar: { offsetY: 10, startAngle: -140, endAngle: 130, hollow: { size: '65%' }, track: { background: cardColor, strokeWidth: '100%' }, dataLabels: { name: { offsetY: -20, color: labelColor, fontSize: '13px', fontWeight: '400', fontFamily: 'Public Sans' }, value: { offsetY: 10, color: headingColor, fontSize: '38px', fontWeight: '500', fontFamily: 'Public Sans' } } } }, colors: [config.colors.primary], fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { shade: 'dark', shadeIntensity: 0.5, gradientToColors: [config.colors.primary], inverseColors: true, opacityFrom: 1, opacityTo: 0.6, stops: [30, 70, 100] } }, stroke: { dashArray: 10 }, grid: { padding: { top: -20, bottom: 5 } }, states: { hover: { filter: { type: 'none' } }, active: { filter: { type: 'none' } } }, responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1025, options: { chart: { height: 330 } } }, { breakpoint: 769, options: { chart: { height: 280 } } } ] }; if (typeof supportTrackerEl !== undefined && supportTrackerEl !== null) { const supportTracker = new ApexCharts(supportTrackerEl, supportTrackerOptions); supportTracker.render(); } // Total Earning Chart - Bar Chart // -------------------------------------------------------------------- const totalEarningChartEl = document.querySelector('#totalEarningChart'), totalEarningChartOptions = { series: [ { name: 'Earning', data: [15, 10, 20, 8, 12, 18, 12, 5] }, { name: 'Expense', data: [-7, -10, -7, -12, -6, -9, -5, -8] } ], chart: { height: 230, parentHeightOffset: 0, stacked: true, type: 'bar', toolbar: { show: false } }, tooltip: { enabled: false }, legend: { show: false }, plotOptions: { bar: { horizontal: false, columnWidth: '18%', borderRadius: 5, startingShape: 'rounded', endingShape: 'rounded' } }, colors: [config.colors.primary, grayColor], dataLabels: { enabled: false }, grid: { show: false, padding: { top: -40, bottom: -20, left: -10, right: -2 } }, xaxis: { labels: { show: false }, axisTicks: { show: false }, axisBorder: { show: false } }, yaxis: { labels: { show: false } }, responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1468, options: { plotOptions: { bar: { columnWidth: '22%' } } } }, { breakpoint: 1197, options: { chart: { height: 228 }, plotOptions: { bar: { borderRadius: 8, columnWidth: '26%' } } } }, { breakpoint: 783, options: { chart: { height: 232 }, plotOptions: { bar: { borderRadius: 6, columnWidth: '28%' } } } }, { breakpoint: 589, options: { plotOptions: { bar: { columnWidth: '16%' } } } }, { breakpoint: 520, options: { plotOptions: { bar: { borderRadius: 6, columnWidth: '18%' } } } }, { breakpoint: 426, options: { plotOptions: { bar: { borderRadius: 5, columnWidth: '20%' } } } }, { breakpoint: 381, options: { plotOptions: { bar: { columnWidth: '24%' } } } } ], states: { hover: { filter: { type: 'none' } }, active: { filter: { type: 'none' } } } }; if (typeof totalEarningChartEl !== undefined && totalEarningChartEl !== null) { const totalEarningChart = new ApexCharts(totalEarningChartEl, totalEarningChartOptions); totalEarningChart.render(); } // For Datatable // -------------------------------------------------------------------- var dt_projects_table = $('.datatables-projects'); if (dt_projects_table.length) { var dt_project = dt_projects_table.DataTable({ ajax: assetsPath + 'json/user-profile.json', columns: [ { data: '' }, { data: 'id' }, { data: 'project_name' }, { data: 'project_leader' }, { data: '' }, { data: 'status' }, { data: '' } ], columnDefs: [ { // For Responsive className: 'control', searchable: false, orderable: false, responsivePriority: 2, targets: 0, render: function (data, type, full, meta) { return ''; } }, { // For Checkboxes targets: 1, orderable: false, searchable: false, responsivePriority: 3, checkboxes: true, render: function () { return ''; }, checkboxes: { selectAllRender: '' } }, { // Avatar image/badge, Name and post targets: 2, responsivePriority: 4, render: function (data, type, full, meta) { var $user_img = full['project_img'], $name = full['project_name'], $date = full['date']; if ($user_img) { // For Avatar image var $output = 'Avatar'; } else { // For Avatar badge var stateNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6); var states = ['success', 'danger', 'warning', 'info', 'primary', 'secondary']; var $state = states[stateNum], $name = full['project_name'], $initials = $name.match(/\b\w/g) || []; $initials = (($initials.shift() || '') + ($initials.pop() || '')).toUpperCase(); $output = '' + $initials + ''; } // Creates full output for row var $row_output = '
' + '
' + '
' + $output + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + $name + '' + '' + $date + '' + '
' + '
'; return $row_output; } }, { // Teams targets: 4, orderable: false, searchable: false, render: function (data, type, full, meta) { var $team = full['team'], $output; $output = '
'; for (var i = 0; i < $team.length; i++) { $output += '
' + 'Avatar' + '
'; } $output += '
'; return $output; } }, { // Label targets: -2, render: function (data, type, full, meta) { var $status_number = full['status']; return ( '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + $status_number + '
' ); } }, { // Actions targets: -1, searchable: false, title: 'Actions', orderable: false, render: function (data, type, full, meta) { return ( '
' + '' + '' + '
' ); } } ], order: [[2, 'desc']], dom: '<"card-header pb-0 pt-sm-0"<"head-label text-center"><"d-flex justify-content-center justify-content-md-end"f>>t<"row mx-2"<"col-sm-12 col-md-6"i><"col-sm-12 col-md-6"p>>', displayLength: 5, lengthMenu: [5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100], responsive: { details: { display: $.fn.dataTable.Responsive.display.modal({ header: function (row) { var data = row.data(); return 'Details of "' + data['project_name'] + '" Project'; } }), type: 'column', renderer: function (api, rowIdx, columns) { var data = $.map(columns, function (col, i) { return col.title !== '' // ? Do not show row in modal popup if title is blank (for check box) ? '' + '' + col.title + ':' + ' ' + '' + col.data + '' + '' : ''; }).join(''); return data ? $('').append(data) : false; } } } }); $('div.head-label').html('
'); } // Filter form control to default size // ? setTimeout used for multilingual table initialization setTimeout(() => { $('.dataTables_filter .form-control').removeClass('form-control-sm'); $('.dataTables_length .form-select').removeClass('form-select-sm'); }, 300); })();