"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.exportEmulatorData = exports.startAll = exports.shouldStart = exports.filterEmulatorTargets = exports.cleanShutdown = exports.onExit = exports.exportOnExit = void 0; const clc = require("colorette"); const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const logger_1 = require("../logger"); const track_1 = require("../track"); const utils = require("../utils"); const registry_1 = require("./registry"); const types_1 = require("./types"); const constants_1 = require("./constants"); const functionsEmulator_1 = require("./functionsEmulator"); const functionsEmulatorUtils_1 = require("./functionsEmulatorUtils"); const auth_1 = require("./auth"); const databaseEmulator_1 = require("./databaseEmulator"); const firestoreEmulator_1 = require("./firestoreEmulator"); const hostingEmulator_1 = require("./hostingEmulator"); const eventarcEmulator_1 = require("./eventarcEmulator"); const error_1 = require("../error"); const projectUtils_1 = require("../projectUtils"); const pubsubEmulator_1 = require("./pubsubEmulator"); const commandUtils = require("./commandUtils"); const hub_1 = require("./hub"); const hubExport_1 = require("./hubExport"); const ui_1 = require("./ui"); const loggingEmulator_1 = require("./loggingEmulator"); const dbRulesConfig = require("../database/rulesConfig"); const emulatorLogger_1 = require("./emulatorLogger"); const hubClient_1 = require("./hubClient"); const prompt_1 = require("../prompt"); const commandUtils_1 = require("./commandUtils"); const fsutils_1 = require("../fsutils"); const storage_1 = require("./storage"); const config_1 = require("./storage/rules/config"); const getDefaultDatabaseInstance_1 = require("../getDefaultDatabaseInstance"); const auth_2 = require("../auth"); const extensionsEmulator_1 = require("./extensionsEmulator"); const projectConfig_1 = require("../functions/projectConfig"); const downloadableEmulators_1 = require("./downloadableEmulators"); const frameworks_1 = require("../frameworks"); const experiments = require("../experiments"); const portUtils_1 = require("./portUtils"); const START_LOGGING_EMULATOR = utils.envOverride("START_LOGGING_EMULATOR", "false", (val) => val === "true"); async function exportOnExit(options) { const exportOnExitDir = options.exportOnExit; if (exportOnExitDir) { try { utils.logBullet(`Automatically exporting data using ${commandUtils_1.FLAG_EXPORT_ON_EXIT_NAME} "${exportOnExitDir}" ` + "please wait for the export to finish..."); await exportEmulatorData(exportOnExitDir, options, "exit"); } catch (e) { utils.logWarning(e); utils.logWarning(`Automatic export to "${exportOnExitDir}" failed, going to exit now...`); } } } exports.exportOnExit = exportOnExit; async function onExit(options) { await exportOnExit(options); } exports.onExit = onExit; async function cleanShutdown() { emulatorLogger_1.EmulatorLogger.forEmulator(types_1.Emulators.HUB).logLabeled("BULLET", "emulators", "Shutting down emulators."); await registry_1.EmulatorRegistry.stopAll(); } exports.cleanShutdown = cleanShutdown; function filterEmulatorTargets(options) { let targets = [...types_1.ALL_SERVICE_EMULATORS]; targets.push(types_1.Emulators.EXTENSIONS); targets = targets.filter((e) => { return options.config.has(e) || options.config.has(`emulators.${e}`); }); const onlyOptions = options.only; if (onlyOptions) { const only = onlyOptions.split(",").map((o) => { return o.split(":")[0]; }); targets = targets.filter((t) => only.includes(t)); } return targets; } exports.filterEmulatorTargets = filterEmulatorTargets; function shouldStart(options, name) { var _a, _b; if (name === types_1.Emulators.HUB) { return !!options.project; } const targets = filterEmulatorTargets(options); const emulatorInTargets = targets.includes(name); if (name === types_1.Emulators.UI) { if (options.ui) { return true; } if (((_b = (_a = options.config.src.emulators) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.ui) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.enabled) === false) { return false; } return (!!options.project && targets.some((target) => types_1.EMULATORS_SUPPORTED_BY_UI.includes(target))); } if (name === types_1.Emulators.FUNCTIONS && emulatorInTargets) { try { (0, projectConfig_1.normalizeAndValidate)(options.config.src.functions); return true; } catch (err) { emulatorLogger_1.EmulatorLogger.forEmulator(types_1.Emulators.FUNCTIONS).logLabeled("WARN", "functions", `The functions emulator is configured but there is no functions source directory. Have you run ${clc.bold("firebase init functions")}?`); return false; } } if (name === types_1.Emulators.HOSTING && emulatorInTargets && !options.config.get("hosting")) { emulatorLogger_1.EmulatorLogger.forEmulator(types_1.Emulators.HOSTING).logLabeled("WARN", "hosting", `The hosting emulator is configured but there is no hosting configuration. Have you run ${clc.bold("firebase init hosting")}?`); return false; } return emulatorInTargets; } exports.shouldStart = shouldStart; function findExportMetadata(importPath) { const pathIsDirectory = fs.lstatSync(importPath).isDirectory(); if (!pathIsDirectory) { return; } const importFilePath = path.join(importPath, hubExport_1.HubExport.METADATA_FILE_NAME); if ((0, fsutils_1.fileExistsSync)(importFilePath)) { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(importFilePath, "utf8").toString()); } const fileList = fs.readdirSync(importPath); const firestoreMetadataFile = fileList.find((f) => f.endsWith(".overall_export_metadata")); if (firestoreMetadataFile) { const metadata = { version: hub_1.EmulatorHub.CLI_VERSION, firestore: { version: "prod", path: importPath, metadata_file: `${importPath}/${firestoreMetadataFile}`, }, }; emulatorLogger_1.EmulatorLogger.forEmulator(types_1.Emulators.FIRESTORE).logLabeled("BULLET", "firestore", `Detected non-emulator Firestore export at ${importPath}`); return metadata; } const rtdbDataFile = fileList.find((f) => f.endsWith(".json")); if (rtdbDataFile) { const metadata = { version: hub_1.EmulatorHub.CLI_VERSION, database: { version: "prod", path: importPath, }, }; emulatorLogger_1.EmulatorLogger.forEmulator(types_1.Emulators.DATABASE).logLabeled("BULLET", "firestore", `Detected non-emulator Database export at ${importPath}`); return metadata; } } async function startAll(options, showUI = true) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g; const targets = filterEmulatorTargets(options); options.targets = targets; const singleProjectModeEnabled = ((_a = options.config.src.emulators) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.singleProjectMode) === undefined || ((_b = options.config.src.emulators) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.singleProjectMode); if (targets.length === 0) { throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`No emulators to start, run ${clc.bold("firebase init emulators")} to get started.`); } if (targets.some(downloadableEmulators_1.requiresJava)) { if ((await commandUtils.checkJavaMajorVersion()) < commandUtils_1.MIN_SUPPORTED_JAVA_MAJOR_VERSION) { utils.logLabeledError("emulators", commandUtils_1.JAVA_DEPRECATION_WARNING, "warn"); throw new error_1.FirebaseError(commandUtils_1.JAVA_DEPRECATION_WARNING); } } const hubLogger = emulatorLogger_1.EmulatorLogger.forEmulator(types_1.Emulators.HUB); hubLogger.logLabeled("BULLET", "emulators", `Starting emulators: ${targets.join(", ")}`); const projectId = (0, projectUtils_1.getProjectId)(options) || ""; const isDemoProject = constants_1.Constants.isDemoProject(projectId); if (isDemoProject) { hubLogger.logLabeled("BULLET", "emulators", `Detected demo project ID "${projectId}", emulated services will use a demo configuration and attempts to access non-emulated services for this project will fail.`); } const onlyOptions = options.only; if (onlyOptions) { const requested = onlyOptions.split(",").map((o) => { return o.split(":")[0]; }); const ignored = requested.filter((k) => !targets.includes(k)); for (const name of ignored) { if ((0, types_1.isEmulator)(name)) { emulatorLogger_1.EmulatorLogger.forEmulator(name).logLabeled("WARN", name, `Not starting the ${clc.bold(name)} emulator, make sure you have run ${clc.bold("firebase init")}.`); } else { throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`${name} is not a valid emulator name, valid options are: ${JSON.stringify(types_1.ALL_SERVICE_EMULATORS)}`, { exit: 1 }); } } } const emulatableBackends = []; let extensionEmulator = undefined; if (shouldStart(options, types_1.Emulators.EXTENSIONS)) { const projectNumber = isDemoProject ? constants_1.Constants.FAKE_PROJECT_NUMBER : await (0, projectUtils_1.needProjectNumber)(options); const aliases = (0, projectUtils_1.getAliases)(options, projectId); extensionEmulator = new extensionsEmulator_1.ExtensionsEmulator({ projectId, projectDir: options.config.projectDir, projectNumber, aliases, extensions: options.config.get("extensions"), }); const extensionsBackends = await extensionEmulator.getExtensionBackends(); const filteredExtensionsBackends = extensionEmulator.filterUnemulatedTriggers(options, extensionsBackends); emulatableBackends.push(...filteredExtensionsBackends); } const listenConfig = {}; if (emulatableBackends.length) { listenConfig[types_1.Emulators.FUNCTIONS] = getListenConfig(options, types_1.Emulators.FUNCTIONS); listenConfig[types_1.Emulators.EVENTARC] = getListenConfig(options, types_1.Emulators.EVENTARC); } for (const emulator of types_1.ALL_EMULATORS) { if (emulator === types_1.Emulators.FUNCTIONS || emulator === types_1.Emulators.EVENTARC || emulator === types_1.Emulators.EXTENSIONS || (emulator === types_1.Emulators.UI && !showUI)) { continue; } if (shouldStart(options, emulator) || (emulator === types_1.Emulators.LOGGING && ((showUI && shouldStart(options, types_1.Emulators.UI)) || START_LOGGING_EMULATOR))) { const config = getListenConfig(options, emulator); listenConfig[emulator] = config; if (emulator === types_1.Emulators.FIRESTORE) { const wsPortConfig = (_d = (_c = options.config.src.emulators) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.firestore) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.websocketPort; listenConfig["firestore.websocket"] = { host: config.host, port: wsPortConfig || 9150, portFixed: !!wsPortConfig, }; } } } let listenForEmulator = await (0, portUtils_1.resolveHostAndAssignPorts)(listenConfig); hubLogger.log("DEBUG", "assigned listening specs for emulators", { user: listenForEmulator }); function legacyGetFirstAddr(name) { const firstSpec = listenForEmulator[name][0]; return { host: firstSpec.address, port: firstSpec.port, }; } function startEmulator(instance) { const name = instance.getName(); void (0, track_1.track)("Emulator Run", name); void (0, track_1.trackEmulator)("emulator_run", { emulator_name: name, is_demo_project: String(isDemoProject), }); return registry_1.EmulatorRegistry.start(instance); } if (listenForEmulator.hub) { const hub = new hub_1.EmulatorHub({ projectId, listen: listenForEmulator[types_1.Emulators.HUB], listenForEmulator, }); void (0, track_1.track)("emulators:start", "hub"); await startEmulator(hub); } let exportMetadata = { version: "unknown", }; if (options.import) { utils.assertIsString(options.import); const importDir = path.resolve(options.import); const foundMetadata = findExportMetadata(importDir); if (foundMetadata) { exportMetadata = foundMetadata; void (0, track_1.trackEmulator)("emulator_import", { initiated_by: "start", emulator_name: types_1.Emulators.HUB, }); } else { hubLogger.logLabeled("WARN", "emulators", `Could not find import/export metadata file, ${clc.bold("skipping data import!")}`); } } const hostingConfig = options.config.get("hosting"); if (Array.isArray(hostingConfig) ? hostingConfig.some((it) => it.source) : hostingConfig === null || hostingConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : hostingConfig.source) { experiments.assertEnabled("webframeworks", "emulate a web framework"); const emulators = []; if (experiments.isEnabled("webframeworks")) { for (const e of types_1.ALL_SERVICE_EMULATORS) { if (listenForEmulator[e]) { emulators.push({ name: e, host: utils.connectableHostname(listenForEmulator[e][0].address), port: listenForEmulator[e][0].port, }); } } } await (0, frameworks_1.prepareFrameworks)(targets, options, options, emulators); } const projectDir = (options.extDevDir || options.config.projectDir); if (shouldStart(options, types_1.Emulators.FUNCTIONS)) { const functionsCfg = (0, projectConfig_1.normalizeAndValidate)(options.config.src.functions); utils.assertIsStringOrUndefined(options.extDevDir); for (const cfg of functionsCfg) { const functionsDir = path.join(projectDir, cfg.source); emulatableBackends.push({ functionsDir, codebase: cfg.codebase, env: Object.assign({}, options.extDevEnv), secretEnv: [], predefinedTriggers: options.extDevTriggers, nodeMajorVersion: (0, functionsEmulatorUtils_1.parseRuntimeVersion)(options.extDevNodeVersion || cfg.runtime), }); } } if (extensionEmulator) { await startEmulator(extensionEmulator); } if (emulatableBackends.length) { if (!listenForEmulator.functions || !listenForEmulator.eventarc) { listenForEmulator = await (0, portUtils_1.resolveHostAndAssignPorts)(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, listenForEmulator), { functions: (_e = listenForEmulator.functions) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : getListenConfig(options, types_1.Emulators.FUNCTIONS), eventarc: (_f = listenForEmulator.eventarc) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : getListenConfig(options, types_1.Emulators.EVENTARC) })); hubLogger.log("DEBUG", "late-assigned ports for functions and eventarc emulators", { user: listenForEmulator, }); } const functionsLogger = emulatorLogger_1.EmulatorLogger.forEmulator(types_1.Emulators.FUNCTIONS); const functionsAddr = legacyGetFirstAddr(types_1.Emulators.FUNCTIONS); const projectId = (0, projectUtils_1.needProjectId)(options); let inspectFunctions; if (options.inspectFunctions) { inspectFunctions = commandUtils.parseInspectionPort(options); functionsLogger.logLabeled("WARN", "functions", `You are running the Functions emulator in debug mode (port=${inspectFunctions}). This means that functions will execute in sequence rather than in parallel.`); } const emulatorsNotRunning = types_1.ALL_SERVICE_EMULATORS.filter((e) => { return e !== types_1.Emulators.FUNCTIONS && !listenForEmulator[e]; }); if (emulatorsNotRunning.length > 0 && !constants_1.Constants.isDemoProject(projectId)) { functionsLogger.logLabeled("WARN", "functions", `The following emulators are not running, calls to these services from the Functions emulator will affect production: ${clc.bold(emulatorsNotRunning.join(", "))}`); } const account = (0, auth_2.getProjectDefaultAccount)(options.projectRoot); const functionsEmulator = new functionsEmulator_1.FunctionsEmulator({ projectId, projectDir, emulatableBackends, account, host: functionsAddr.host, port: functionsAddr.port, debugPort: inspectFunctions, projectAlias: options.projectAlias, }); await startEmulator(functionsEmulator); const eventarcAddr = legacyGetFirstAddr(types_1.Emulators.EVENTARC); const eventarcEmulator = new eventarcEmulator_1.EventarcEmulator({ host: eventarcAddr.host, port: eventarcAddr.port, }); await startEmulator(eventarcEmulator); } if (listenForEmulator.firestore) { const firestoreLogger = emulatorLogger_1.EmulatorLogger.forEmulator(types_1.Emulators.FIRESTORE); const firestoreAddr = legacyGetFirstAddr(types_1.Emulators.FIRESTORE); const websocketPort = legacyGetFirstAddr("firestore.websocket").port; const args = { host: firestoreAddr.host, port: firestoreAddr.port, websocket_port: websocketPort, project_id: projectId, auto_download: true, }; if (exportMetadata.firestore) { utils.assertIsString(options.import); const importDirAbsPath = path.resolve(options.import); const exportMetadataFilePath = path.resolve(importDirAbsPath, exportMetadata.firestore.metadata_file); firestoreLogger.logLabeled("BULLET", "firestore", `Importing data from ${exportMetadataFilePath}`); args.seed_from_export = exportMetadataFilePath; void (0, track_1.trackEmulator)("emulator_import", { initiated_by: "start", emulator_name: types_1.Emulators.FIRESTORE, }); } const config = options.config; const rulesLocalPath = (_g = config.src.firestore) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.rules; let rulesFileFound = false; if (rulesLocalPath) { const rules = config.path(rulesLocalPath); rulesFileFound = fs.existsSync(rules); if (rulesFileFound) { args.rules = rules; } else { firestoreLogger.logLabeled("WARN", "firestore", `Cloud Firestore rules file ${clc.bold(rules)} specified in firebase.json does not exist.`); } } else { firestoreLogger.logLabeled("WARN", "firestore", "Did not find a Cloud Firestore rules file specified in a firebase.json config file."); } if (!rulesFileFound) { firestoreLogger.logLabeled("WARN", "firestore", "The emulator will default to allowing all reads and writes. Learn more about this option: https://firebase.google.com/docs/emulator-suite/install_and_configure#security_rules_configuration."); } if (singleProjectModeEnabled) { if (projectId) { args.single_project_mode = true; args.single_project_mode_error = false; } else { firestoreLogger.logLabeled("DEBUG", "firestore", "Could not enable single_project_mode: missing projectId."); } } const firestoreEmulator = new firestoreEmulator_1.FirestoreEmulator(args); await startEmulator(firestoreEmulator); firestoreLogger.logLabeled("SUCCESS", types_1.Emulators.FIRESTORE, `Firestore Emulator UI websocket is running on ${websocketPort}.`); } if (listenForEmulator.database) { const databaseLogger = emulatorLogger_1.EmulatorLogger.forEmulator(types_1.Emulators.DATABASE); const databaseAddr = legacyGetFirstAddr(types_1.Emulators.DATABASE); const args = { host: databaseAddr.host, port: databaseAddr.port, projectId, auto_download: true, single_project_mode: singleProjectModeEnabled ? "Warning" : undefined, }; try { if (!options.instance) { options.instance = await (0, getDefaultDatabaseInstance_1.getDefaultDatabaseInstance)(options); } } catch (e) { databaseLogger.log("DEBUG", `Failed to retrieve default database instance: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`); } const rc = dbRulesConfig.normalizeRulesConfig(dbRulesConfig.getRulesConfig(projectId, options), options); logger_1.logger.debug("database rules config: ", JSON.stringify(rc)); args.rules = rc; if (rc.length === 0) { databaseLogger.logLabeled("WARN", "database", "Did not find a Realtime Database rules file specified in a firebase.json config file. The emulator will default to allowing all reads and writes. Learn more about this option: https://firebase.google.com/docs/emulator-suite/install_and_configure#security_rules_configuration."); } else { for (const c of rc) { const rules = c.rules; if (!fs.existsSync(rules)) { databaseLogger.logLabeled("WARN", "database", `Realtime Database rules file ${clc.bold(rules)} specified in firebase.json does not exist.`); } } } const databaseEmulator = new databaseEmulator_1.DatabaseEmulator(args); await startEmulator(databaseEmulator); if (exportMetadata.database) { utils.assertIsString(options.import); const importDirAbsPath = path.resolve(options.import); const databaseExportDir = path.resolve(importDirAbsPath, exportMetadata.database.path); const files = fs.readdirSync(databaseExportDir).filter((f) => f.endsWith(".json")); void (0, track_1.trackEmulator)("emulator_import", { initiated_by: "start", emulator_name: types_1.Emulators.DATABASE, count: files.length, }); for (const f of files) { const fPath = path.join(databaseExportDir, f); const ns = path.basename(f, ".json"); await databaseEmulator.importData(ns, fPath); } } } if (listenForEmulator.auth) { if (!projectId) { throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`Cannot start the ${constants_1.Constants.description(types_1.Emulators.AUTH)} without a project: run 'firebase init' or provide the --project flag`); } const authAddr = legacyGetFirstAddr(types_1.Emulators.AUTH); const authEmulator = new auth_1.AuthEmulator({ host: authAddr.host, port: authAddr.port, projectId, singleProjectMode: singleProjectModeEnabled ? auth_1.SingleProjectMode.WARNING : auth_1.SingleProjectMode.NO_WARNING, }); await startEmulator(authEmulator); if (exportMetadata.auth) { utils.assertIsString(options.import); const importDirAbsPath = path.resolve(options.import); const authExportDir = path.resolve(importDirAbsPath, exportMetadata.auth.path); await authEmulator.importData(authExportDir, projectId, { initiatedBy: "start" }); } } if (listenForEmulator.pubsub) { if (!projectId) { throw new error_1.FirebaseError("Cannot start the Pub/Sub emulator without a project: run 'firebase init' or provide the --project flag"); } const pubsubAddr = legacyGetFirstAddr(types_1.Emulators.PUBSUB); const pubsubEmulator = new pubsubEmulator_1.PubsubEmulator({ host: pubsubAddr.host, port: pubsubAddr.port, projectId, auto_download: true, }); await startEmulator(pubsubEmulator); } if (listenForEmulator.storage) { const storageAddr = legacyGetFirstAddr(types_1.Emulators.STORAGE); const storageEmulator = new storage_1.StorageEmulator({ host: storageAddr.host, port: storageAddr.port, projectId: projectId, rules: (0, config_1.getStorageRulesConfig)(projectId, options), }); await startEmulator(storageEmulator); if (exportMetadata.storage) { utils.assertIsString(options.import); const importDirAbsPath = path.resolve(options.import); const storageExportDir = path.resolve(importDirAbsPath, exportMetadata.storage.path); storageEmulator.storageLayer.import(storageExportDir, { initiatedBy: "start" }); } } if (listenForEmulator.hosting) { const hostingAddr = legacyGetFirstAddr(types_1.Emulators.HOSTING); const hostingEmulator = new hostingEmulator_1.HostingEmulator({ host: hostingAddr.host, port: hostingAddr.port, options, }); await startEmulator(hostingEmulator); } if (showUI && !shouldStart(options, types_1.Emulators.UI)) { hubLogger.logLabeled("WARN", "emulators", "The Emulator UI is not starting, either because none of the emulated " + "products have an interaction layer in Emulator UI or it cannot " + "determine the Project ID. Pass the --project flag to specify a project."); } if (listenForEmulator.logging) { const loggingAddr = legacyGetFirstAddr(types_1.Emulators.LOGGING); const loggingEmulator = new loggingEmulator_1.LoggingEmulator({ host: loggingAddr.host, port: loggingAddr.port, }); await startEmulator(loggingEmulator); } if (listenForEmulator.ui) { const ui = new ui_1.EmulatorUI({ projectId: projectId, auto_download: true, listen: listenForEmulator[types_1.Emulators.UI], }); await startEmulator(ui); } let serviceEmulatorCount = 0; const running = registry_1.EmulatorRegistry.listRunning(); for (const name of running) { const instance = registry_1.EmulatorRegistry.get(name); if (instance) { await instance.connect(); } if (types_1.ALL_SERVICE_EMULATORS.includes(name)) { serviceEmulatorCount++; } } void (0, track_1.trackEmulator)("emulators_started", { count: serviceEmulatorCount, count_all: running.length, is_demo_project: String(isDemoProject), }); return { deprecationNotices: [] }; } exports.startAll = startAll; function getListenConfig(options, emulator) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; let host = ((_b = (_a = options.config.src.emulators) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[emulator]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.host) || constants_1.Constants.getDefaultHost(); if (host === "localhost" && utils.isRunningInWSL()) { host = ""; } const portVal = (_d = (_c = options.config.src.emulators) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[emulator]) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.port; let port; let portFixed; if (portVal) { port = parseInt(`${portVal}`, 10); portFixed = true; } else { port = constants_1.Constants.getDefaultPort(emulator); portFixed = !constants_1.FIND_AVAILBLE_PORT_BY_DEFAULT[emulator]; } return { host, port, portFixed, }; } async function exportEmulatorData(exportPath, options, initiatedBy) { const projectId = options.project; if (!projectId) { throw new error_1.FirebaseError("Could not determine project ID, make sure you're running in a Firebase project directory or add the --project flag.", { exit: 1 }); } const hubClient = new hubClient_1.EmulatorHubClient(projectId); if (!hubClient.foundHub()) { throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`Did not find any running emulators for project ${clc.bold(projectId)}.`, { exit: 1 }); } let origin; try { origin = await hubClient.getStatus(); } catch (e) { const filePath = hub_1.EmulatorHub.getLocatorFilePath(projectId); throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`The emulator hub for ${projectId} did not respond to a status check. If this error continues try shutting down all running emulators and deleting the file ${filePath}`, { exit: 1 }); } utils.logBullet(`Found running emulator hub for project ${clc.bold(projectId)} at ${origin}`); const exportAbsPath = path.resolve(exportPath); if (!fs.existsSync(exportAbsPath)) { utils.logBullet(`Creating export directory ${exportAbsPath}`); fs.mkdirSync(exportAbsPath); } const existingMetadata = hubExport_1.HubExport.readMetadata(exportAbsPath); if (existingMetadata && !(options.force || options.exportOnExit)) { if (options.noninteractive) { throw new error_1.FirebaseError("Export already exists in the target directory, re-run with --force to overwrite.", { exit: 1 }); } const prompt = await (0, prompt_1.promptOnce)({ type: "confirm", message: `The directory ${exportAbsPath} already contains export data. Exporting again to the same directory will overwrite all data. Do you want to continue?`, default: false, }); if (!prompt) { throw new error_1.FirebaseError("Command aborted", { exit: 1 }); } } utils.logBullet(`Exporting data to: ${exportAbsPath}`); try { await hubClient.postExport({ path: exportAbsPath, initiatedBy }); } catch (e) { throw new error_1.FirebaseError("Export request failed, see emulator logs for more information.", { exit: 1, original: e, }); } utils.logSuccess("Export complete"); } exports.exportEmulatorData = exportEmulatorData;