# Firebase CLI [![Actions Status][gh-actions-badge]][gh-actions] [![Node Version][node-badge]][npm] [![NPM version][npm-badge]][npm] The Firebase Command Line Interface (CLI) Tools can be used to test, manage, and deploy your Firebase project from the command line. - Deploy code and assets to your Firebase projects - Run a local web server for your Firebase Hosting site - Interact with data in your Firebase database - Import/Export users into/from Firebase Auth To get started with the Firebase CLI, read the full list of commands below or check out the [documentation](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cli). ## Installation ### Node Package You can install the Firebase CLI using npm (the Node Package Manager). Note that you will need to install [Node.js](http://nodejs.org/) and [npm](https://npmjs.org/). Installing Node.js should install npm as well. To download and install the Firebase CLI run the following command: ```bash npm install -g firebase-tools ``` This will provide you with the globally accessible `firebase` command. ### Standalone Binary The standalone binary distribution of the Firebase CLI allows you to download a `firebase` executable without any dependencies. To download and install the CLI run the following command: ```bash curl -sL firebase.tools | bash ``` ## Commands **The command `firebase --help` lists the available commands and `firebase --help` shows more details for an individual command.** If a command is project-specific, you must either be inside a project directory with an active project alias or specify the Firebase project id with the `-P ` flag. Below is a brief list of the available commands and their function: ### Configuration Commands | Command | Description | | -------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **login** | Authenticate to your Firebase account. Requires access to a web browser. | | **logout** | Sign out of the Firebase CLI. | | **login:ci** | Generate an authentication token for use in non-interactive environments. | | **login:add** | Authorize the CLI for an additional account. | | **login:list** | List authorized CLI accounts. | | **login:use** | Set the default account to use for this project | | **use** | Set active Firebase project, manage project aliases. | | **open** | Quickly open a browser to relevant project resources. | | **init** | Setup a new Firebase project in the current directory. This command will create a `firebase.json` configuration file in your current directory. | | **help** | Display help information about the CLI or specific commands. | Append `--no-localhost` to login (i.e., `firebase login --no-localhost`) to copy and paste code instead of starting a local server for authentication. A use case might be if you SSH into an instance somewhere and you need to authenticate to Firebase on that machine. ### Project Management Commands | Command | Description | | ------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | **apps:create** | Create a new Firebase app in a project. | | **apps:list** | List the registered apps of a Firebase project. | | **apps:sdkconfig** | Print the configuration of a Firebase app. | | **projects:addfirebase** | Add Firebase resources to a Google Cloud Platform project. | | **projects:create** | Create a new Firebase project. | | **projects:list** | Print a list of all of your Firebase projects. | ### Deployment and Local Emulation These commands let you deploy and interact with your Firebase services. | Command | Description | | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **emulators:exec** | Start the local Firebase emulators, run a test script, then shut down the emulators. | | **emulators:start** | Start the local Firebase emulators. | | **deploy** | Deploys your Firebase project. Relies on `firebase.json` configuration and your local project folder. | | **serve** | Start a local server with your Firebase Hosting configuration and HTTPS-triggered Cloud Functions. Relies on `firebase.json`. | | **setup:emulators:database** | Downloads the database emulator. | | **setup:emulators:firestore** | Downloads the firestore emulator. | ### App Distribution Commands | Command | Description | | ------------------------------ | ---------------------- | | **appdistribution:distribute** | Upload a distribution. | ### Auth Commands | Command | Description | | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | | **auth:import** | Batch importing accounts into Firebase from data file. | | **auth:export** | Batch exporting accounts from Firebase into data file. | Detailed doc is [here](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cli/auth). ### Realtime Database Commands | Command | Description | | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **database:get** | Fetch data from the current project's database and display it as JSON. Supports querying on indexed data. | | **database:set** | Replace all data at a specified location in the current project's database. Takes input from file, STDIN, or command-line argument. | | **database:push** | Push new data to a list at a specified location in the current project's database. Takes input from file, STDIN, or command-line argument. | | **database:remove** | Delete all data at a specified location in the current project's database. | | **database:update** | Perform a partial update at a specified location in the current project's database. Takes input from file, STDIN, or command-line argument. | | **database:profile** | Profile database usage and generate a report. | | **database:instances:create** | Create a realtime database instance. | | **database:instances:list** | List realtime database instances. | | **database:settings:get** | Read the realtime database setting at path | | **database:settings:set** | Set the realtime database setting at path. | ### Extensions Commands | Command | Description | | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **ext** | Display information on how to use ext commands and extensions installed to your project. | | **ext:configure** | Configure an existing extension instance. | | **ext:info** | Display information about an extension by name (extensionName@x.y.z for a specific version) | | **ext:install** | Install an extension. | | **ext:list** | List all the extensions that are installed in your Firebase project. | | **ext:uninstall** | Uninstall an extension that is installed in your Firebase project by Instance ID. | | **ext:update** | Update an existing extension instance to the latest version. | ### Cloud Firestore Commands | Command | Description | | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **firestore:delete** | Delete documents or collections from the current project's database. Supports recursive deletion of subcollections. | | **firestore:indexes** | List all deployed indexes from the current project. | ### Cloud Functions Commands | Command | Description | | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | **functions:log** | Read logs from deployed Cloud Functions. | | **functions:list** | List all deployed functions in your Firebase project. | | **functions:config:set** | Store runtime configuration values for the current project's Cloud Functions. | | **functions:config:get** | Retrieve existing configuration values for the current project's Cloud Functions. | | **functions:config:unset** | Remove values from the current project's runtime configuration. | | **functions:config:clone** | Copy runtime configuration from one project environment to another. | | **functions:secrets:set** | Create or update a secret for use in Cloud Functions for Firebase. | | **functions:secrets:get** | Get metadata for secret and its versions. | | **functions:secrets:access** | Access secret value given secret and its version. Defaults to accessing the latest version. | | **functions:secrets:prune** | Destroys unused secrets. | | **functions:secrets:destroy** | Destroy a secret. Defaults to destroying the latest version. | | **functions:delete** | Delete one or more Cloud Functions by name or group name. | | **functions:shell** | Locally emulate functions and start Node.js shell where these local functions can be invoked with test data. | ### Hosting Commands | Command | Description | | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **hosting:disable** | Stop serving Firebase Hosting traffic for the active project. A "Site Not Found" message will be displayed at your project's Hosting URL after running this command. | ### Remote Config Commands | Command | Description | | ------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **remoteconfig:get** | Get a Firebase project's Remote Config template. | | **remoteconfig:versions:list** | Get a list of the most recent Firebase Remote Config template versions that have been published. | | **remoteconfig:rollback** | Roll back a project's published Remote Config template to the version provided by `--version_number` flag. | Use `firebase:deploy --only remoteconfig` to update and publish a project's Firebase Remote Config template. ## Authentication ### General The Firebase CLI can use one of four authentication methods listed in descending priority: - **User Token** - **DEPRECATED: this authentication method will be removed in a future major version of `firebase-tools`; use a service account to authenticate instead** - provide an explicit long-lived Firebase user token generated from `firebase login:ci`. Note that these tokens are extremely sensitive long-lived credentials and are not the right option for most cases. Consider using service account authorization instead. The token can be set in one of two ways: - Set the `--token` flag on any command, for example `firebase --token="" projects:list`. - Set the `FIREBASE_TOKEN` environment variable. - **Local Login** - run `firebase login` to log in to the CLI directly as yourself. The CLI will cache an authorized user credential on your machine. - **Service Account** - set the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable to point to the path of a JSON service account key file. For more details, see Google Cloud's [Getting started with authentication](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started) guide. - **Application Default Credentials** - if you use the `gcloud` CLI and log in with `gcloud auth application-default login`, the Firebase CLI will use them if none of the above credentials are present. ### Multiple Accounts By default `firebase login` sets a single global account for use on all projects. If you have multiple Google accounts which you use for Firebase projects you can authorize multiple accounts and use them on a per-project or per-command basis. To authorize an additonal account for use with the CLI, run `firebase login:add`. You can view the list of authorized accounts with `firebase login:list`. To set the default account for a specific Firebase project directory, run `firebase login:use` from within the directory and select the desired account. To check the default account for a directory, run `firebase login:list` and the default account for the current context will be listed first. To set the account for a specific command invocation, use the `--account` flag with any command. For example `firebase --account=user@domain.com deploy`. The specified account must have already been added to the Firebase CLI using `firebase login:add`. ### Cloud Functions Emulator The Cloud Functions emulator is exposed through commands like `emulators:start`, `serve` and `functions:shell`. Emulated Cloud Functions run as independent `node` processes on your development machine which means they have their own credential discovery mechanism. By default these `node` processes are not able to discover credentials from `firebase login`. In order to provide a better development experience, when you are logged in to the CLI through `firebase login` we take the user credentials and construct a temporary credential that we pass into the emulator through `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS`. We **only** do this if you have not already set the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable yourself. ## Using behind a proxy The CLI supports HTTP(S) proxies via environment variables. To use a proxy, set the `HTTPS_PROXY` or `HTTP_PROXY` value in your environment to the URL of your proxy (e.g. `HTTP_PROXY=`). ## Using with CI Systems The Firebase CLI requires a browser to complete authentication, but is fully compatible with CI and other headless environments. Complete the following steps to run Firebase commands in a CI environment. Find detailed instructions for each step in Google Cloud's [Getting started with authentication](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started) guide. 1. Create a service account and grant it the appropriate level of access to your project. 1. Create a service account key (JSON file) for that service account. 1. Store the key file in a secure, accessible way in your CI system. 1. Set `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/key.json` in your CI system when running Firebase commands. To disable access for the service account, [find the service account](https://console.cloud.google.com/projectselector/iam-admin/serviceaccounts) for your project in the Google Cloud Console, and then either remove the key, or disable or delete the service account. ## Using as a Module The Firebase CLI can also be used programmatically as a standard Node module. Each command is exposed as a function that takes positional arguments followed by an options object and returns a Promise. So if we run this command at our command line: ```bash $ firebase --project="foo" apps:list ANDROID ``` That translates to the following in Node: ```js const client = require("firebase-tools"); client.apps .list("ANDROID", { project: "foo" }) .then((data) => { // ... }) .catch((err) => { // ... }); ``` The options object must be the very last argument and any unspecified positional argument will get the default value of `""`. The following two invocations are equivalent: ```js const client = require("firebase-tools"); // #1 - No arguments or options, defaults will be inferred client.apps.list(); // #2 - Explicitly provide "" for all arguments and {} for options client.apps.list("", {}); ``` Note: when used in a limited environment like Cloud Functions, not all `firebase-tools` commands will work programatically because they require access to a local filesystem. 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