/** * Firebase Analytics * * @packageDocumentation */ import { FirebaseApp } from '@firebase/app'; /** * An instance of Firebase Analytics. * @public */ export declare interface Analytics { /** * The {@link @firebase/app#FirebaseApp} this {@link Analytics} instance is associated with. */ app: FirebaseApp; } /** * Additional options that can be passed to Analytics method * calls such as `logEvent`, etc. * @public */ export declare interface AnalyticsCallOptions { /** * If true, this config or event call applies globally to all * Google Analytics properties on the page. */ global: boolean; } /** * {@link Analytics} instance initialization options. * @public */ export declare interface AnalyticsSettings { /** * Params to be passed in the initial `gtag` config call during Firebase * Analytics initialization. */ config?: GtagConfigParams | EventParams; } /** * Consent status settings for each consent type. * For more information, see * {@link https://developers.google.com/tag-platform/tag-manager/templates/consent-apis * | the GA4 reference documentation for consent state and consent types}. * @public */ export declare interface ConsentSettings { /** Enables storage, such as cookies, related to advertising */ ad_storage?: ConsentStatusString; /** Enables storage, such as cookies, related to analytics (for example, visit duration) */ analytics_storage?: ConsentStatusString; /** * Enables storage that supports the functionality of the website or app such as language settings */ functionality_storage?: ConsentStatusString; /** Enables storage related to personalization such as video recommendations */ personalization_storage?: ConsentStatusString; /** * Enables storage related to security such as authentication functionality, fraud prevention, * and other user protection. */ security_storage?: ConsentStatusString; [key: string]: unknown; } /** * Whether a particular consent type has been granted or denied. * @public */ export declare type ConsentStatusString = 'granted' | 'denied'; /** * Standard `gtag.js` control parameters. * For more information, see * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. * @public */ export declare interface ControlParams { groups?: string | string[]; send_to?: string | string[]; event_callback?: () => void; event_timeout?: number; } /** * Standard Google Analytics currency type. * @public */ export declare type Currency = string | number; /** * Any custom event name string not in the standard list of recommended * event names. * @public */ export declare type CustomEventName<T> = T extends EventNameString ? never : T; /** * Any custom params the user may pass to `gtag`. * @public */ export declare interface CustomParams { [key: string]: unknown; } /** * Type for standard Google Analytics event names. `logEvent` also accepts any * custom string and interprets it as a custom event name. * @public */ export declare type EventNameString = 'add_payment_info' | 'add_shipping_info' | 'add_to_cart' | 'add_to_wishlist' | 'begin_checkout' | 'checkout_progress' | 'exception' | 'generate_lead' | 'login' | 'page_view' | 'purchase' | 'refund' | 'remove_from_cart' | 'screen_view' | 'search' | 'select_content' | 'select_item' | 'select_promotion' | 'set_checkout_option' | 'share' | 'sign_up' | 'timing_complete' | 'view_cart' | 'view_item' | 'view_item_list' | 'view_promotion' | 'view_search_results'; /** * Standard `gtag.js` event parameters. * For more information, see * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. * @public */ export declare interface EventParams { checkout_option?: string; checkout_step?: number; item_id?: string; content_type?: string; coupon?: string; currency?: string; description?: string; fatal?: boolean; items?: Item[]; method?: string; number?: string; promotions?: Promotion[]; screen_name?: string; /** * Firebase-specific. Use to log a `screen_name` to Firebase Analytics. */ firebase_screen?: string; /** * Firebase-specific. Use to log a `screen_class` to Firebase Analytics. */ firebase_screen_class?: string; search_term?: string; shipping?: Currency; tax?: Currency; transaction_id?: string; value?: number; event_label?: string; event_category?: string; shipping_tier?: string; item_list_id?: string; item_list_name?: string; promotion_id?: string; promotion_name?: string; payment_type?: string; affiliation?: string; page_title?: string; page_location?: string; page_path?: string; [key: string]: unknown; } /** * Returns an {@link Analytics} instance for the given app. * * @public * * @param app - The {@link @firebase/app#FirebaseApp} to use. */ export declare function getAnalytics(app?: FirebaseApp): Analytics; /** * A set of common Google Analytics config settings recognized by * `gtag.js`. * @public */ export declare interface GtagConfigParams { /** * Whether or not a page view should be sent. * If set to true (default), a page view is automatically sent upon initialization * of analytics. * See {@link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/page-view | Page views } */ 'send_page_view'?: boolean; /** * The title of the page. * See {@link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/page-view | Page views } */ 'page_title'?: string; /** * The URL of the page. * See {@link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/page-view | Page views } */ 'page_location'?: string; /** * Defaults to `auto`. * See {@link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/cookies-user-id | Cookies and user identification } */ 'cookie_domain'?: string; /** * Defaults to 63072000 (two years, in seconds). * See {@link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/cookies-user-id | Cookies and user identification } */ 'cookie_expires'?: number; /** * Defaults to `_ga`. * See {@link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/cookies-user-id | Cookies and user identification } */ 'cookie_prefix'?: string; /** * If set to true, will update cookies on each page load. * Defaults to true. * See {@link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/cookies-user-id | Cookies and user identification } */ 'cookie_update'?: boolean; /** * Appends additional flags to the cookie when set. * See {@link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/cookies-user-id | Cookies and user identification } */ 'cookie_flags'?: string; /** * If set to false, disables all advertising features with `gtag.js`. * See {@link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/display-features | Disable advertising features } */ 'allow_google_signals'?: boolean; /** * If set to false, disables all advertising personalization with `gtag.js`. * See {@link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/display-features | Disable advertising features } */ 'allow_ad_personalization_signals'?: boolean; [key: string]: unknown; } /** * Returns an {@link Analytics} instance for the given app. * * @public * * @param app - The {@link @firebase/app#FirebaseApp} to use. */ export declare function initializeAnalytics(app: FirebaseApp, options?: AnalyticsSettings): Analytics; /** * This is a public static method provided to users that wraps four different checks: * * 1. Check if it's not a browser extension environment. * 2. Check if cookies are enabled in current browser. * 3. Check if IndexedDB is supported by the browser environment. * 4. Check if the current browser context is valid for using `IndexedDB.open()`. * * @public * */ export declare function isSupported(): Promise<boolean>; /** * Standard Google Analytics `Item` type. * @public */ export declare interface Item { item_id?: string; item_name?: string; item_brand?: string; item_category?: string; item_category2?: string; item_category3?: string; item_category4?: string; item_category5?: string; item_variant?: string; price?: Currency; quantity?: number; index?: number; coupon?: string; item_list_name?: string; item_list_id?: string; discount?: Currency; affiliation?: string; creative_name?: string; creative_slot?: string; promotion_id?: string; promotion_name?: string; location_id?: string; /** @deprecated Use item_brand instead. */ brand?: string; /** @deprecated Use item_category instead. */ category?: string; /** @deprecated Use item_id instead. */ id?: string; /** @deprecated Use item_name instead. */ name?: string; } /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'add_payment_info', eventParams?: { coupon?: EventParams['coupon']; currency?: EventParams['currency']; items?: EventParams['items']; payment_type?: EventParams['payment_type']; value?: EventParams['value']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'add_shipping_info', eventParams?: { coupon?: EventParams['coupon']; currency?: EventParams['currency']; items?: EventParams['items']; shipping_tier?: EventParams['shipping_tier']; value?: EventParams['value']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'add_to_cart' | 'add_to_wishlist' | 'remove_from_cart', eventParams?: { currency?: EventParams['currency']; value?: EventParams['value']; items?: EventParams['items']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'begin_checkout', eventParams?: { currency?: EventParams['currency']; coupon?: EventParams['coupon']; value?: EventParams['value']; items?: EventParams['items']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'checkout_progress', eventParams?: { currency?: EventParams['currency']; coupon?: EventParams['coupon']; value?: EventParams['value']; items?: EventParams['items']; checkout_step?: EventParams['checkout_step']; checkout_option?: EventParams['checkout_option']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * See * {@link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/exceptions * | Measure exceptions}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'exception', eventParams?: { description?: EventParams['description']; fatal?: EventParams['fatal']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'generate_lead', eventParams?: { value?: EventParams['value']; currency?: EventParams['currency']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'login', eventParams?: { method?: EventParams['method']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * See * {@link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/page-view * | Page views}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'page_view', eventParams?: { page_title?: string; page_location?: string; page_path?: string; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'purchase' | 'refund', eventParams?: { value?: EventParams['value']; currency?: EventParams['currency']; transaction_id: EventParams['transaction_id']; tax?: EventParams['tax']; shipping?: EventParams['shipping']; items?: EventParams['items']; coupon?: EventParams['coupon']; affiliation?: EventParams['affiliation']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * See {@link https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/screenviews * | Track Screenviews}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'screen_view', eventParams?: { firebase_screen: EventParams['firebase_screen']; firebase_screen_class: EventParams['firebase_screen_class']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'search' | 'view_search_results', eventParams?: { search_term?: EventParams['search_term']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'select_content', eventParams?: { content_type?: EventParams['content_type']; item_id?: EventParams['item_id']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'select_item', eventParams?: { items?: EventParams['items']; item_list_name?: EventParams['item_list_name']; item_list_id?: EventParams['item_list_id']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'select_promotion' | 'view_promotion', eventParams?: { items?: EventParams['items']; promotion_id?: EventParams['promotion_id']; promotion_name?: EventParams['promotion_name']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'set_checkout_option', eventParams?: { checkout_step?: EventParams['checkout_step']; checkout_option?: EventParams['checkout_option']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'share', eventParams?: { method?: EventParams['method']; content_type?: EventParams['content_type']; item_id?: EventParams['item_id']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'sign_up', eventParams?: { method?: EventParams['method']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'timing_complete', eventParams?: { name: string; value: number; event_category?: string; event_label?: string; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'view_cart' | 'view_item', eventParams?: { currency?: EventParams['currency']; items?: EventParams['items']; value?: EventParams['value']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: 'view_item_list', eventParams?: { items?: EventParams['items']; item_list_name?: EventParams['item_list_name']; item_list_id?: EventParams['item_list_id']; [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web * app instance on this device. * @public * List of recommended event parameters can be found in * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events * | the GA4 reference documentation}. */ export declare function logEvent<T extends string>(analyticsInstance: Analytics, eventName: CustomEventName<T>, eventParams?: { [key: string]: any; }, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Field previously used by some Google Analytics events. * @deprecated Use `Item` instead. * @public */ export declare interface Promotion { creative_name?: string; creative_slot?: string; id?: string; name?: string; } /** * Sets whether Google Analytics collection is enabled for this app on this device. * Sets global `window['ga-disable-analyticsId'] = true;` * * @public * * @param analyticsInstance - The {@link Analytics} instance. * @param enabled - If true, enables collection, if false, disables it. */ export declare function setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled(analyticsInstance: Analytics, enabled: boolean): void; /** * Sets the applicable end user consent state for this web app across all gtag references once * Firebase Analytics is initialized. * * Use the {@link ConsentSettings} to specify individual consent type values. By default consent * types are set to "granted". * @public * @param consentSettings - Maps the applicable end user consent state for gtag.js. */ export declare function setConsent(consentSettings: ConsentSettings): void; /** * Use gtag `config` command to set `screen_name`. * * @public * * @deprecated Use {@link logEvent} with `eventName` as 'screen_view' and add relevant `eventParams`. * See {@link https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/screenviews | Track Screenviews}. * * @param analyticsInstance - The {@link Analytics} instance. * @param screenName - Screen name to set. */ export declare function setCurrentScreen(analyticsInstance: Analytics, screenName: string, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Adds data that will be set on every event logged from the SDK, including automatic ones. * With gtag's "set" command, the values passed persist on the current page and are passed with * all subsequent events. * @public * @param customParams - Any custom params the user may pass to gtag.js. */ export declare function setDefaultEventParameters(customParams: CustomParams): void; /** * Configures Firebase Analytics to use custom `gtag` or `dataLayer` names. * Intended to be used if `gtag.js` script has been installed on * this page independently of Firebase Analytics, and is using non-default * names for either the `gtag` function or for `dataLayer`. * Must be called before calling `getAnalytics()` or it won't * have any effect. * * @public * * @param options - Custom gtag and dataLayer names. */ export declare function settings(options: SettingsOptions): void; /** * Specifies custom options for your Firebase Analytics instance. * You must set these before initializing `firebase.analytics()`. * @public */ export declare interface SettingsOptions { /** Sets custom name for `gtag` function. */ gtagName?: string; /** Sets custom name for `dataLayer` array used by `gtag.js`. */ dataLayerName?: string; } /** * Use gtag `config` command to set `user_id`. * * @public * * @param analyticsInstance - The {@link Analytics} instance. * @param id - User ID to set. */ export declare function setUserId(analyticsInstance: Analytics, id: string | null, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; /** * Use gtag `config` command to set all params specified. * * @public */ export declare function setUserProperties(analyticsInstance: Analytics, properties: CustomParams, options?: AnalyticsCallOptions): void; export { }