123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296 |
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
- exports.buildFromV1Alpha1 = void 0;
- const build = require("../../build");
- const proto_1 = require("../../../../gcp/proto");
- const parsing_1 = require("./parsing");
- const error_1 = require("../../../../error");
- const functional_1 = require("../../../../functional");
- const CHANNEL_NAME_REGEX = new RegExp("(projects\\/" +
- "(?<project>(?:\\d+)|(?:[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z\\d-]*[A-Za-z\\d]?))\\/)?" +
- "locations\\/" +
- "(?<location>[A-Za-z\\d\\-_]+)\\/" +
- "channels\\/" +
- "(?<channel>[A-Za-z\\d\\-_]+)");
- function buildFromV1Alpha1(yaml, project, region, runtime) {
- const manifest = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(yaml));
- (0, parsing_1.requireKeys)("", manifest, "endpoints");
- (0, parsing_1.assertKeyTypes)("", manifest, {
- specVersion: "string",
- params: "array",
- requiredAPIs: "array",
- endpoints: "object",
- });
- const bd = build.empty();
- bd.params = manifest.params || [];
- bd.requiredAPIs = parseRequiredAPIs(manifest);
- for (const id of Object.keys(manifest.endpoints)) {
- const me = manifest.endpoints[id];
- assertBuildEndpoint(me, id);
- const be = parseEndpointForBuild(id, me, project, region, runtime);
- bd.endpoints[id] = be;
- }
- return bd;
- }
- exports.buildFromV1Alpha1 = buildFromV1Alpha1;
- function parseRequiredAPIs(manifest) {
- const requiredAPIs = manifest.requiredAPIs || [];
- for (const { api, reason } of requiredAPIs) {
- if (typeof api !== "string") {
- throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`Invalid api "${JSON.stringify(api)}. Expected string`);
- }
- if (typeof reason !== "string") {
- throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`Invalid reason "${JSON.stringify(reason)} for API ${api}. Expected string`);
- }
- }
- return requiredAPIs;
- }
- function assertBuildEndpoint(ep, id) {
- const prefix = `endpoints[${id}]`;
- (0, parsing_1.assertKeyTypes)(prefix, ep, {
- region: "List",
- platform: (platform) => build.AllFunctionsPlatforms.includes(platform),
- entryPoint: "string",
- omit: "Field<boolean>?",
- availableMemoryMb: (mem) => mem === null || isCEL(mem) || build.isValidMemoryOption(mem),
- maxInstances: "Field<number>?",
- minInstances: "Field<number>?",
- concurrency: "Field<number>?",
- serviceAccount: "string?",
- serviceAccountEmail: "string?",
- timeoutSeconds: "Field<number>?",
- vpc: "object?",
- labels: "object?",
- ingressSettings: (setting) => setting === null || build.AllIngressSettings.includes(setting),
- environmentVariables: "object?",
- secretEnvironmentVariables: "array?",
- httpsTrigger: "object",
- callableTrigger: "object",
- eventTrigger: "object",
- scheduleTrigger: "object",
- taskQueueTrigger: "object",
- blockingTrigger: "object",
- cpu: (cpu) => cpu === null || isCEL(cpu) || cpu === "gcf_gen1" || typeof cpu === "number",
- });
- if (ep.vpc) {
- (0, parsing_1.assertKeyTypes)(prefix + ".vpc", ep.vpc, {
- connector: "string",
- egressSettings: (setting) => setting === null || build.AllVpcEgressSettings.includes(setting),
- });
- (0, parsing_1.requireKeys)(prefix + ".vpc", ep.vpc, "connector");
- }
- let triggerCount = 0;
- if (ep.httpsTrigger) {
- triggerCount++;
- }
- if (ep.callableTrigger) {
- triggerCount++;
- }
- if (ep.eventTrigger) {
- triggerCount++;
- }
- if (ep.scheduleTrigger) {
- triggerCount++;
- }
- if (ep.taskQueueTrigger) {
- triggerCount++;
- }
- if (ep.blockingTrigger) {
- triggerCount++;
- }
- if (!triggerCount) {
- throw new error_1.FirebaseError("Expected trigger in endpoint " + id);
- }
- if (triggerCount > 1) {
- throw new error_1.FirebaseError("Multiple triggers defined for endpoint" + id);
- }
- if (build.isEventTriggered(ep)) {
- (0, parsing_1.requireKeys)(prefix + ".eventTrigger", ep.eventTrigger, "eventType", "eventFilters");
- (0, parsing_1.assertKeyTypes)(prefix + ".eventTrigger", ep.eventTrigger, {
- eventFilters: "object",
- eventFilterPathPatterns: "object",
- eventType: "string",
- retry: "Field<boolean>",
- region: "Field<string>",
- serviceAccount: "string?",
- serviceAccountEmail: "string?",
- channel: "string",
- });
- }
- else if (build.isHttpsTriggered(ep)) {
- (0, parsing_1.assertKeyTypes)(prefix + ".httpsTrigger", ep.httpsTrigger, {
- invoker: "array?",
- });
- }
- else if (build.isCallableTriggered(ep)) {
- }
- else if (build.isScheduleTriggered(ep)) {
- (0, parsing_1.assertKeyTypes)(prefix + ".scheduleTrigger", ep.scheduleTrigger, {
- schedule: "Field<string>",
- timeZone: "Field<string>?",
- retryConfig: "object?",
- });
- if (ep.scheduleTrigger.retryConfig) {
- (0, parsing_1.assertKeyTypes)(prefix + ".scheduleTrigger.retryConfig", ep.scheduleTrigger.retryConfig, {
- retryCount: "Field<number>?",
- maxDoublings: "Field<number>?",
- minBackoffSeconds: "Field<number>?",
- maxBackoffSeconds: "Field<number>?",
- maxRetrySeconds: "Field<number>?",
- maxRetryDuration: "string?",
- minBackoffDuration: "string?",
- maxBackoffDuration: "string?",
- });
- }
- }
- else if (build.isTaskQueueTriggered(ep)) {
- (0, parsing_1.assertKeyTypes)(prefix + ".taskQueueTrigger", ep.taskQueueTrigger, {
- rateLimits: "object?",
- retryConfig: "object?",
- invoker: "array?",
- });
- if (ep.taskQueueTrigger.rateLimits) {
- (0, parsing_1.assertKeyTypes)(prefix + ".taskQueueTrigger.rateLimits", ep.taskQueueTrigger.rateLimits, {
- maxConcurrentDispatches: "Field<number>?",
- maxDispatchesPerSecond: "Field<number>?",
- });
- }
- if (ep.taskQueueTrigger.retryConfig) {
- (0, parsing_1.assertKeyTypes)(prefix + ".taskQueueTrigger.retryConfig", ep.taskQueueTrigger.retryConfig, {
- maxAttempts: "Field<number>?",
- maxRetrySeconds: "Field<number>?",
- minBackoffSeconds: "Field<number>?",
- maxBackoffSeconds: "Field<number>?",
- maxDoublings: "Field<number>?",
- });
- }
- }
- else if (build.isBlockingTriggered(ep)) {
- (0, parsing_1.requireKeys)(prefix + ".blockingTrigger", ep.blockingTrigger, "eventType");
- (0, parsing_1.assertKeyTypes)(prefix + ".blockingTrigger", ep.blockingTrigger, {
- eventType: "string",
- options: "object",
- });
- }
- else {
- throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`Do not recognize trigger type for endpoint ${id}. Try upgrading ` +
- "firebase-tools with npm install -g firebase-tools@latest");
- }
- }
- function parseEndpointForBuild(id, ep, project, defaultRegion, runtime) {
- var _a;
- let triggered;
- if (build.isEventTriggered(ep)) {
- const eventTrigger = {
- eventType: ep.eventTrigger.eventType,
- retry: ep.eventTrigger.retry,
- };
- if ("serviceAccountEmail" in ep.eventTrigger) {
- eventTrigger.serviceAccount = ep.eventTrigger.serviceAccountEmail;
- }
- (0, proto_1.copyIfPresent)(eventTrigger, ep.eventTrigger, "serviceAccount", "eventFilterPathPatterns", "region");
- (0, proto_1.convertIfPresent)(eventTrigger, ep.eventTrigger, "channel", (c) => resolveChannelName(project, c, defaultRegion));
- (0, proto_1.convertIfPresent)(eventTrigger, ep.eventTrigger, "eventFilters", (filters) => {
- const copy = Object.assign({}, filters);
- if (copy["topic"] && !copy["topic"].startsWith("projects/")) {
- copy["topic"] = `projects/${project}/topics/${copy["topic"]}`;
- }
- return copy;
- });
- triggered = { eventTrigger };
- }
- else if (build.isHttpsTriggered(ep)) {
- triggered = { httpsTrigger: {} };
- (0, proto_1.copyIfPresent)(triggered.httpsTrigger, ep.httpsTrigger, "invoker");
- }
- else if (build.isCallableTriggered(ep)) {
- triggered = { callableTrigger: {} };
- }
- else if (build.isScheduleTriggered(ep)) {
- const st = {
- schedule: ep.scheduleTrigger.schedule || "",
- timeZone: (_a = ep.scheduleTrigger.timeZone) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null,
- };
- if (ep.scheduleTrigger.retryConfig) {
- st.retryConfig = {};
- (0, proto_1.convertIfPresent)(st.retryConfig, ep.scheduleTrigger.retryConfig, "maxBackoffSeconds", "maxBackoffDuration", (duration) => (duration === null ? null : (0, proto_1.secondsFromDuration)(duration)));
- (0, proto_1.convertIfPresent)(st.retryConfig, ep.scheduleTrigger.retryConfig, "minBackoffSeconds", "minBackoffDuration", (duration) => (duration === null ? null : (0, proto_1.secondsFromDuration)(duration)));
- (0, proto_1.convertIfPresent)(st.retryConfig, ep.scheduleTrigger.retryConfig, "maxRetrySeconds", "maxRetryDuration", (duration) => (duration === null ? null : (0, proto_1.secondsFromDuration)(duration)));
- (0, proto_1.copyIfPresent)(st.retryConfig, ep.scheduleTrigger.retryConfig, "retryCount", "minBackoffSeconds", "maxBackoffSeconds", "maxRetrySeconds", "maxDoublings");
- (0, proto_1.convertIfPresent)(st.retryConfig, ep.scheduleTrigger.retryConfig, "minBackoffSeconds", "minBackoffDuration", (0, functional_1.nullsafeVisitor)(proto_1.secondsFromDuration));
- (0, proto_1.convertIfPresent)(st.retryConfig, ep.scheduleTrigger.retryConfig, "maxBackoffSeconds", "maxBackoffDuration", (0, functional_1.nullsafeVisitor)(proto_1.secondsFromDuration));
- (0, proto_1.convertIfPresent)(st.retryConfig, ep.scheduleTrigger.retryConfig, "maxRetrySeconds", "maxRetryDuration", (0, functional_1.nullsafeVisitor)(proto_1.secondsFromDuration));
- }
- else if (ep.scheduleTrigger.retryConfig === null) {
- st.retryConfig = null;
- }
- triggered = { scheduleTrigger: st };
- }
- else if (build.isTaskQueueTriggered(ep)) {
- const tq = {};
- if (ep.taskQueueTrigger.invoker) {
- tq.invoker = ep.taskQueueTrigger.invoker;
- }
- else if (ep.taskQueueTrigger.invoker === null) {
- tq.invoker = null;
- }
- if (ep.taskQueueTrigger.retryConfig) {
- tq.retryConfig = Object.assign({}, ep.taskQueueTrigger.retryConfig);
- }
- else if (ep.taskQueueTrigger.retryConfig === null) {
- tq.retryConfig = null;
- }
- if (ep.taskQueueTrigger.rateLimits) {
- tq.rateLimits = Object.assign({}, ep.taskQueueTrigger.rateLimits);
- }
- else if (ep.taskQueueTrigger.rateLimits === null) {
- tq.rateLimits = null;
- }
- triggered = { taskQueueTrigger: tq };
- }
- else if (ep.blockingTrigger) {
- triggered = { blockingTrigger: ep.blockingTrigger };
- }
- else {
- throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`Do not recognize trigger type for endpoint ${id}. Try upgrading ` +
- "firebase-tools with npm install -g firebase-tools@latest");
- }
- const parsed = Object.assign({ platform: ep.platform || "gcfv2", region: ep.region || [defaultRegion], project,
- runtime, entryPoint: ep.entryPoint }, triggered);
- if ("serviceAccountEmail" in ep) {
- parsed.serviceAccount = ep.serviceAccountEmail;
- }
- (0, proto_1.copyIfPresent)(parsed, ep, "omit", "availableMemoryMb", "cpu", "maxInstances", "minInstances", "concurrency", "timeoutSeconds", "vpc", "labels", "ingressSettings", "environmentVariables", "serviceAccount");
- (0, proto_1.convertIfPresent)(parsed, ep, "secretEnvironmentVariables", (senvs) => {
- if (!senvs) {
- return null;
- }
- return senvs.map(({ key, secret }) => {
- return { key, secret: secret || key, projectId: project };
- });
- });
- return parsed;
- }
- function resolveChannelName(projectId, channel, defaultRegion) {
- if (!channel.includes("/")) {
- const location = defaultRegion;
- const channelId = channel;
- return "projects/" + projectId + "/locations/" + location + "/channels/" + channelId;
- }
- const match = CHANNEL_NAME_REGEX.exec(channel);
- if (!(match === null || match === void 0 ? void 0 : match.groups)) {
- throw new error_1.FirebaseError("Invalid channel name format.");
- }
- const matchedProjectId = match.groups.project;
- const location = match.groups.location;
- const channelId = match.groups.channel;
- if (matchedProjectId) {
- return "projects/" + matchedProjectId + "/locations/" + location + "/channels/" + channelId;
- }
- else {
- return "projects/" + projectId + "/locations/" + location + "/channels/" + channelId;
- }
- }
- function isCEL(expr) {
- return typeof expr === "string" && expr.includes("{{") && expr.includes("}}");
- }